Teatro abandonado en el medio del desierto (Sinaí, Egipto)
Es un teatro al aire libre, contaba con proyector y pantalla, pero jamas se ha pasado ni una solo film. El proyecto había sido una idea de un adinerado francés, quien transportó toneladas de materiales desde el Cairo, pero a los lugareños no les gustó la idea y el generador fué saboteado. La única forma de llegar al lugar es por la ruta Dusti Road.
It is an outdoor theater, it had a projector and screen, but never was showed a film. The project was an idea of a wealthy Frenchman who transported tons of materials from Cairo, but to egyptians people did not like the idea and the generator was sabotaged. Only way to get there is by "Dusti Road" route.

Teatro Cervantes de Tanger abandonado (Marruecos)
Construido en 1911 en la ciudad de Tanger, Marruecos, el teatro a sido víctima de los enredos diplomáticos entre Madrid y Tanger.
Built in 1911 in the city of Tangier, Morocco, this theater has been victim of diplomatic entanglements between Madrid and Tangier.
Built in 1911 in the city of Tangier, Morocco, this theater has been victim of diplomatic entanglements between Madrid and Tangier.
Teatro de Michigan abandonado (Estados Unidos)
El teatro de Michigan en un estado semi-abandonado hoy es usado como estacionamiento para autos, su construcción fue finalizada en 1925.
The "Michigan Theater" in a semi-abandoned state, today is used as parking for cars, its construction was completed in 1925.
The "Michigan Theater" in a semi-abandoned state, today is used as parking for cars, its construction was completed in 1925.

Teatro abandonado en Chicago (Estados Unidos)
El teatro Lawndale se inauguró en 1927 y fue cerrado totalmente en 1963, su aspecto externo es el de una catedral. The Lawndale theater inaugurated in 1927 and it was completely closed in 1963, its external appearance seems a cathedral.
Teatro New Bedord Orpheum en Massachusetts (Estados Unidos)

Teatro del liceo Enrique Molina Garmendia (Concepción Chile)

Su construcción data de 1915 y ha sido progresivamente abandonado hacia la década del 70, en el año 2013 el gobierno de Chile tiene el proyecto de restauración con una gran inversión, varios arquitectos han sido convocados. It was built in 1915 and it has been progressively abandoned in the 70's, from 2013 Chile's government has project of restoration with a large investment, several architects have been called.

Teatro "Varia" abandonado (Bélgica)

With a style Art Nouveau, the theater and cinema "Varia" built in Leisure City, Belgium in 1913, it has worked very well until 1986 and in all these years it has crossed wars without problems, but it was abandoned and declared as "historical monument" in 1992. There are projects of restoration since 2004 that it often get stuck 'cause lack of money.

Teatro Circo "Cartagena de Indias" abandonado (Colombia)
Construido a principios de siglo, se ultilizaba para recibir las corridas de toros venidas de España y México, festivales de musica y otros eventos. Actualmente se encuentra cerrado y con un proyecto de modernización que supuestamente comienza en este año 2015 con una duracion de tres años finalizando en el 2018. Built at the beginning of the century, it was ussed for "running of bulls" from Spain and Mexico, music festivals and other events. It is currently closed and with a modernization project that supposedly will start in this 2015 with a duration of three years ending in 2018.
Teatro Cervantes de "Santa Eulalia" (Alicante, España)
Con datos aproximados de construcción a finales del siglo XIX y abandonado en los años 40, este teatro ha sido construido a pesar de su poca población del lugar, ya que esta situado en una colonia muy pequeña de Alicante llamada "Santa Eulalia" donde la población no supera las 20 personas según el ultimo censo. No hace falta explicar porque ha sido abandonado.
With approximated dates of construction in the finish of XIX century and abandoned in decade of 40', this theater has been built despite its small population, the place is situated in a very small colony of Alicante called "Santa Eulalia" where population don't exceeds 20 people according to the last census. IT is not necessary to explain why it has been abandoned.
With approximated dates of construction in the finish of XIX century and abandoned in decade of 40', this theater has been built despite its small population, the place is situated in a very small colony of Alicante called "Santa Eulalia" where population don't exceeds 20 people according to the last census. IT is not necessary to explain why it has been abandoned.
Teatro "Shore" Brooklyn, NY, (Estados Unidos)
Inaugurado en 1925, el teatro "Shore" tuvo mucha importancia en Nueva York, pero por varias razones culturales, de presupuesto y otras, el teatro fue dejado al olvido en 1973.
Opened in 1925, the "Shore Theatre" was a very important theater in New York, but because several cultural reasons, budget and others, the theater was abandoned in 1973.