The new Mobile App ClaxonApp developed by Argentine entrepreneurs Juan Sebastian Finkelstein (25 years, tourism's student & flight's pilot) and Manuel Kirschbaum (Lic. business administration) has as aims to connect people of the same nationality while you are living in another country, this app is ideal for people that are working in other country and also for tourists. The app works with GPS locator showing flag of each user on the map, it is currently in phase beta available for Android and iOS systems, but ClaxoApp already has more than 3000 users and communities of Argentines, Colombians, Venezuelans, Mexicans and Uruguayans distributed in the US, Spain, United Arab Emirates, Australia and New Zealand. Certainly the social network Facebook also has groups of immigrants, but "the plus" of ClaxonApp is a map showing how many people of our nationality are close to us to organize meetings and social activities.
ClaxonApp was born approximately more than three months ago as a StartUp with funds of the founders (U$S 4000) and at the moment it goes to seek more financing to expand.